
v. 0.105.1

Released on 30 Sep 2024

The default welcome message has been improved for better engagement.

v. 0.105.0

Released on 02 Sep 2024

Updated GIF provider from Giphy to Tenor for enhanced GIF search and display functionality.

v. 0.104.1

Released on 20 Jun 2024

Minor bug fix.

v. 0.104.0

Released on 19 Jun 2024

Enhanced the loading efficiency of the Now4real widget resources.

v. 0.103.7

Released on 06 Jun 2024

Added the missing article "the" to the welcome messages.

v. 0.103.6

Released on 06 Jun 2024

The default welcome messages and attention grabbers of the Now4real widget have been improved.

v. 0.103.5

Released on 14 May 2024

Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect display of emoji search results in the selector within the Now4real widget.

v. 0.103.4

Released on 09 May 2024

Enhanced usability for polls, making them more user-friendly and intuitive.

v. 0.103.3

Released on 24 Apr 2024

The visibility of the poll within the current pagechat has been improved. Now, if there is one, it will be prominently displayed at the top of the chat as a pinned message.

v. 0.103.2

Released on 22 Apr 2024

Animated labels have been added to the countries legend within the "MAP" tab of the Now4real widget.

v. 0.103.1

Released on 16 Apr 2024

Performance improvements.

v. 0.103.0

Released on 15 Apr 2024

Now4real introduces support for poll creation. Moderators and guests now have the capability to create polls within the current pagechat.

To enable this functionality, the following methods have been added:

  • createPoll: allows a Moderator or a Guest to open a poll.
  • closePoll: enables Moderators and Guests to close the current poll.
  • sendVote: lets users submit a vote in the current poll.
  • getPollVote: retrieves the vote of the currently authenticated user in the current poll.

In addition, Subject and ErrorCode enums have been implemented to enhance API utilization. They can be accessed directly from the main object as now4real.Subject and now4real.ErrorCode.

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.102.4

Released on 07 Mar 2024

Fixed a bug that prevented the widget from allowing the cut of a portion of the message in the input area, when the message exceeded the maximum size.

v. 0.102.3

Released on 23 Feb 2024

Minor bug fix.

v. 0.102.2

Released on 20 Feb 2024

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to freeze when receiving specific heatmap updates.

v. 0.102.1

Released on 19 Feb 2024

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.102.0

Released on 04 Jan 2024

Introduced the full White Label support for the widget. Enterprise publishers can now make appear the widget as if they had made it.

Introduced the "Email login" authentication support, optionally restrictable to a specific domain. With this, users register or log in to the chat only by providing their email address.

The custom_auth.consent_message configuration parameter has been deprecated in favor of widget.consent_message. This way, all the authentication methods (except "Social and email login") can show a custom consent message.

Improved the French translation of the widget.

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.101.2

Released on 12 Oct 2023

Renamed Twitter to X in the Now4real widget.

v. 0.101.1

Released on 05 Oct 2023

Performance improvements.

v. 0.101.0

Released on 27 Sep 2023

We have removed the animation that occurred upon changes of the values of counters within the default widget.

v. 0.100.5

Released on 11 Sep 2023

Minor bug fix.

v. 0.100.4

Released on 30 Aug 2023

Minor bug fix.

v. 0.100.3

Released on 05 Jul 2023

Minor bug fix.

v. 0.100.2

Released on 30 Jun 2023

Minor bug fix.

v. 0.100.1

Released on 29 Jun 2023

Introduced the new "No registration" authentication option that offers a quick and hassle-free way for users to access the Now4real Widget's chat feature and engage in conversations without the need for complex registration processes.

The login method was changed accordingly to support the new authentication flow. For this reason, the provider parameter is now optional.

v. 0.99.2

Released on 16 Jun 2023

Twitter login has been made available again in the Now4real widget.

v. 0.99.1

Released on 25 May 2023

Performance improvements.

v. 0.99.0

Released on 10 May 2023

The jwt parameter of the custom_auth configuration now accepts a Promise returning function, which resolves with a JWT token. The same function is used to retrieve a new token, in order to extend the session of a user with an expiring JWT.

The jwt_resolver parameter is deprecated.

v. 0.98.0

Released on 08 May 2023

Added the new jwt_resolver parameter to the custom_auth configuration object, to configure a token provider function to be used to extend the current user session.

v. 0.97.2

Released on 04 May 2023

Twitter login has been temporarily disabled on the Now4real widget.

v. 0.97.1

Released on 30 Mar 2023

Added missing title tag to the Now4real embed iframe.

Performance improvements.

v. 0.97.0

Released on 10 Mar 2023

Introduced the API method now4real.registerUserConsent to register user acceptance of the service terms, required for chatting.

v. 0.96.0

Released on 07 Mar 2023

We have introduced an option to disable the use of Gravatar images for users who authenticate via email. In this case, users will be identified in the chat by a default colored image with their initials.

JWT users who do not have an associated image will also have the default image with their initials.

v. 0.95.2

Released on 21 Feb 2023

Minor bug fix.

v. 0.95.1

Released on 13 Feb 2023

Minor bug fix.

v. 0.95.0

Released on 13 Feb 2023

The Now4real widget introduces a brand new Emoji picker with new useful features: recents, search, and diversity.

It supports emojis up to the Emoji 14.0 standard. Note that, not all browsers or operating systems support this version of the standard, so in some cases, it could show an inferior number of emojis.

Introduced a smart detection of WebViews. When one of these is detected, the widget configures itself on read-only mode, preventing the user from starting an unsafe authentication flow.

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to incorrectly highlight links that contain emoji characters.

Improved the translation of the welcome message in the widget, when it contains references to singular units of time. units of time.

Dropped the support for the Internet Explorer browser. Before, we supported versions 10 and 11.

Minor improvements and restyling of the Now4real widget.

v. 0.94.8

Released on 09 Jan 2023

Emojis have been reactivated.

v. 0.94.7

Released on 09 Jan 2023

Temporarily disabled emojis on the Now4real widget due to Twemoji's CDN issues.

v. 0.94.6

Released on 04 Jan 2023

The Now4real widget now more quickly detects site configuration changes made on the Dashboard.

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.94.5

Released on 06 Dec 2022

Fixed a bug that could have caused the API to throw an exception when the now4real.config object was replaced in a strict mode environment.

v. 0.94.4

Released on 02 Dec 2022

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to highlight some email addresses as links incorrectly.

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to show the wrong counters inside the CHATTERS section of the PAGES tab.

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to incorrectly show the typing indicator at the chat's bottom.

v. 0.94.3

Released on 14 Nov 2022

Fixed some visual bugs on the widget affecting iOS devices.

v. 0.94.2

Released on 09 Nov 2022

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to incorrectly show the message options menu.

v. 0.94.1

Released on 08 Nov 2022

Introduced the possibility for a logged-in Now4real user in the widget, to hide all messages of certain users.

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.94.0

Released on 17 Oct 2022

As a part of the new User Reporting feature, introduced the now4real.reportMessage API method to let users report messages published by other users, in case they find any issues with them.

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.93.2

Released on 05 Aug 2022

Performance improvements.

v. 0.93.1

Released on 21 Jul 2022

Updated default attention grabber messages.

v. 0.93.0

Released on 20 Jul 2022

The widget now supports attention grabber messages shown in a bubble above it.

Added the new attention_grabber_enabled and attention_grabber parameters to the widget configuration object, to configure them.

Upgraded the emojis support on the widget to Unicode 13.1.

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to incorrectly highlight some email addresses as links.

v. 0.92.1

Released on 14 Jun 2022

Optimized the rendering of the welcome message bubble in case of a configured long message.

v. 0.92.0

Released on 30 May 2022

Added the new consent_message parameter to the custom_auth configuration object, to configure an additional consent message for message posting.

v. 0.91.2

Released on 09 May 2022

Performance improvements.

v. 0.91.1

Released on 11 Apr 2022

Fixed a bug that could have caused localStorage availability to be incorrectly detected on some versions of Safari with restrictive privacy settings.

v. 0.91.0

Released on 07 Apr 2022

Added the new map_enabled and ranking_enabled parameters to the widget configuration object, to fully customize the tabs to show inside the opened widget.

v. 0.90.1

Released on 17 Mar 2022

Fixed a bug that could have caused to incorrectly scroll the entire page when a user navigated to an old message, on an embedded widget.

v. 0.90.0

Released on 09 Mar 2022

The page_context parameter of the now4real.config object now accepts a configurator object which provides a handy way to extend the Page Context in the most common cases.

v. 0.89.0

Released on 17 Feb 2022

Added the new page_context parameter to the now4real.config configuration object, to set a customized Page Context.

v. 0.87.1

Released on 10 Feb 2022

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.87.0

Released on 09 Feb 2022

Added the new welcome_message and welcome_message_img_url parameters to the widget configuration object, to customize the welcome message shown in the opened widget.

Added the new language parameter to the widget configuration object, to force a specific language for the widget.

Introduced Mongolian translation for the widget.

Enhanced Swedish translation.

v. 0.86.1

Released on 05 Jan 2022

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to not show when there were on the page some CSS that try to hide iframes.

v. 0.86.0

Released on 28 Dec 2021

Optimized the widget header in order to offer a quicker experience on changing user attributes, for those logged in through email.

v. 0.85.0

Released on 21 Dec 2021

Now4real now lets users log in using their email.

The now4real.login method accepts the new EMAIL provider to handle the new type of authentication.

The same new provider is exposed by the User object.

Introduced the new now4real.editUserProfile API method to let users edit some attributes of their email profile.

Added the new user_identicon parameter to the widget configuration object, to control the showing of an identicon image near each username in the chat.

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to not correctly handle the social authentication flow on the Facebook app embedded browser.

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.84.2

Released on 16 Dec 2021

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.84.1

Released on 09 Nov 2021

Optimized Bulgarian translation.

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.84.0

Released on 08 Nov 2021

Introduced the new now4real.reload API method to perform API reinitialization.

Introduced Bulgarian translation for the widget.

v. 0.83.1

Released on 20 Oct 2021

Minor bug fixes.

v. 0.83.0

Released on 18 Oct 2021

Now4real's pagechats now support GIFs!

Added the gifsStatus property to the Parameters subject in order to handle GIFs settings.

v. 0.82.1

Released on 29 Sep 2021

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to incorrectly highlight links that contain non-ASCII characters.

v. 0.82.0

Released on 20 Sep 2021

Added the clickableLinks property to the Parameters subject. This reflects the settings for the external links in the new “Custom Filter” section of the Dashboard.

The setMute method now supports null as a valid duration value, to be used to mute a user for an unlimited period of time.

Introduced French translation for the widget.

v. 0.81.0

Released on 05 Aug 2021

Introduced Swedish translation for the widget.

v. 0.80.0

Released on 02 Aug 2021

Now4real now lets the administrator of the site to define the Guest and Moderator roles for their users, empowering them with special powers within a pagechat.

For this, the following new methods are added to the client API:

  • flushChat: allows a Moderator to clean the entire chat.
  • setChatEnabled: allows a Moderator to disable/enable the pagechat.
  • getMute: allows to read the mute period for a user.
  • setMute: allows a moderator to mute a user in the pagechat for a period of time.

The post method can now return the new USER_MUTED and CHAT_DISABLED errors.

The Parameters subject exposes new properties:

  • messageMaxLengthModerator: the max message length that a Moderator can post in the chat.
  • messageMaxLengthGuest: the max message length that a Guest can post in the chat.
  • messageResendPeriodModerator: the post throttling period for a Moderator.
  • messageResendPeriodGuest: the post throttling period for a Guest.
  • chatStatus: indicates if the chat was disabled and, in that case, by whom.

The User object now specifies the role that the user assumes through the new optional role property. The optional badge property has also been added, with the text and colors of the badge, as configured in the Dashboard.

The API now exposes the author of the deletion of a message in the pagechat. This can be read in the new optional property of the MessageListUpdate object named deleted.

Added the new chat_enabled parameter to the widget configuration object, to control the appearance of the chat tab in the opened widget.

Deprecated the POST_STATUS subject.

Introduced the Romanian translation for the widget.

v. 0.70.2

Released on 16 Jul 2021

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to incorrectly highlight a link to a subdomain.

v. 0.70.1

Released on 21 Jun 2021

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to show an old message notification bubble when the page gained the visibility.

v. 0.70.0

Released on 17 Jun 2021

Added messageDurationValue and messageDurationUnit to the Parameters subject. These reflect those configured in the “Message duration” setting of the Dashboard.

Introduced Polish translation for the widget.

The URLs found in the chat, are now rendered as link even if they point to pages of subdomains of your site.

v. 0.60.2

Released on 01 Jun 2021

Bug fix.

v. 0.60.1

Released on 04 May 2021

Stats bug fix.

v. 0.60.0

Released on 03 May 2021

Introduced the new AUTHORIZATION subject to deal with the site authorization.

The widget fully support this new subject and adapt itself to the authorization settings.

v. 0.50.1

Released on 10 Mar 2021

Fixed a bug that could have caused the widget to not load correctly the chat when the container parameter is configured but the corresponding element is not present into the DOM.

v. 0.50.0

Released on 10 Mar 2021

Introduced the possibility to reply to a message of the pagechat. To do this, the API method now takes an options parameter with the id of the message to reply to.

Introduced the new now4real.deleteMessage API method to delete a message of the pagechat.

The widget implements these new features.

v. 0.46.0

Released on 15 Feb 2021

The URLs found in the chat, which point to pages of the site, are now rendered as links.

v. 0.45.0

Released on 03 Feb 2021

The pages of the sites embedded on a domain are now automatically considered as they were on their original domain.

v. 0.44.0

Released on 01 Feb 2021

Bandwidth optimization.

v. 0.43.2

Released on 12 Jan 2021

Disabled the appearance of the chat invitation bubble above the closed widget.

v. 0.43.1

Released on 23 Dec 2020

Disabled the widget chat input area autofocus when embedded in a webpage through the container parameter.

v. 0.43.0

Released on 22 Dec 2020

The color_1 and color_2 properties of the widget parameter within the now4real.config object are now deprecated in favor, respectively, of color_external_background and color_external_text.

Added the color_internal_background and color_internal_text properties to customize the colors of the open widget too.

Now4real now can be configured to blend seamlessly with the look and feel of your site.