White Label


Transform Now4real into your own with our White Label option, available through the Business Plan. Beyond merely customizing visual elements, the White Label feature deeply integrates into your legal and privacy framework, offering a seamless brand experience.

Custom branding

While our Premium Plan allows you to replace the Now4real logo with your own in the widget’s header, the White Label option takes this customization further:

  • Complete removal of Now4real branding from all parts of the widget, including the three-dot menu.
  • Tailor the legal texts: Directly present your own Privacy Policy and Terms of Service through the chat interface instead of Now4real’s, ensuring legal consistency.

Data control redefined

Under standard arrangements without White Label:

  • Now4real and your company operate as autonomous data controllers. In GDPR terms, this means both entities independently determine the purposes and means of processing personal data.
  • Your users must accept Now4real’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, in addition to yours.
  • You must to link to Now4real’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy from your site.

With White Label, the dynamics shift significantly:

  • You become the sole data controller: In compliance with GDPR, this means you alone determine the purposes and means of the data processing activities. Now4real serves as your data processor.
  • You manage the legal documents: It’s your responsibility to provide comprehensive Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that encompass the Now4real functionalities.
  • Sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA): This agreement formalizes the data processing responsibilities that Now4real will undertake on your behalf.

For more detailed information, please see the Publisher Terms of Service.

Activation and settings

Activating White Label is straightforward:

  1. Navigate to the “Sites” section in your Now4real dashboard.
  2. Select the SETTINGS button for the site you wish to configure.
  3. In the “General” tab, toggle the switch to enable the White Label feature.

Flexible authentication options

When a website is configured with White Label, you can choose between three authentication methods for your users:

  • JWT Authentication: Integrate single sign-on (SSO) capabilities using your site’s authentication system. This requires embedding specific JWT objects in your pages—our documentation provides detailed guidance.
  • Email Login: Users can sign in or register using their email addresses, with the option to restrict access to specific domains.
  • No Registration: For more casual engagement, users can simply enter a nickname to join chats without any formal registration process.

For any additional information or clarification, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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